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NPT or BSPP Process Connection
Flange Process Connection
Direct Immersion Heaters with the benefit of servicing the heater without draining the tank
Used for Tank Heating in Chemical Solutions
Used for Tank Heating in Chemical Solutions
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Screw Plug Immersion Heaters are made of tubular elements, which are brazed or welded into a machined NPT thread fitting. MPI Morheat Screwplug Immersion Heaters are meant to be screwed directly through a threaded coupling in a pipe, tank wall, or vessel. Screwplug Immersion Heaters are typically used to heat up gases and liquids contained in a tank, vessel, or pipe.
MPI Morheat designs and manufactures screw plug immersion heaters on a per order basis, so custom configurations are welcome. MPI heating elements are offered in a variety of materials suited for several different heating applications. MPI offers optional terminal housing for indoor, outdoor and hazardous environments.
Many custom options are available including Thermowell’s fitted with a Thermocouple or RTD.
Flanged Immersion Heaters are made of tubular elements, which are brazed or welded into an ANSI or plate flange. Flange Immersion Heaters are intended for immersion into gas or fluid tanks. These heaters are installed via a flanged port in the tank, vessel, or pipe.
MPI offers Flanged Tubular Heaters in a variety of flange sizes and materials to suit several different applications. MPI offers several different materials for the tubular elements to function in many applications. Several different terminal housing options are available including solutions for indoor, outdoor, or hazardous locations.
Many custom configurations are available including Thermowell’s fitted with a Thermocouple or RTD.
MPI Morheat Over-the-Side Immersion Heaters are a good solution for applications where drilling a hole into the tank wall is either not possible or not desirable. MPI manufactures Over-the-Side Immersion Heaters in a variety of sizes, materials, and configurations.
Over-the-Side Immersion Heaters are designed for installation via the top of the tank, with its heated portion directly immersed along the bottom or the side of the tank. This ensures simple and easy removal and sufficient working space inside the tank.
97-170 Brockport Dr. Toronto Ontario, Canada M9W 5C8 Ph. : (416) 675-7329 (800) 817-3486 USA/CAN (800) 880-4531 MEX