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Flanged Immersion Heaters

Standard Lead Times

  • MPI Morheat produces high-quality flanged immersion heaters, which are designed to be used in extreme environments.
  • These heaters can be installed inside pipes, tanks, and pressure vessels, and they are capable of boiling a range of fluids such as water, oil, gas mixtures, natural gas, and more.
  • They are suitable for use with both corrosive and non-corrosive liquids.
  • The heating element of a MPI Morheat flanged immersion heater can be made of various materials including copper, Incoloy, steel, or stainless steel, depending on the specific needs of the application.
  • The flanges that hold the heater in place are typically made of carbon steel rated at 150 lbs.
  • MPI’s flanged immersion heaters are available with watt densities ranging from 4w/in2 to 80w/in2, and they can be customized with a variety of optional features including thermostats, thermocouples, and different types of flanges and terminal boxes.
  • If you have any questions or need help selecting the best material, wattage, or power density for your electric immersion heating element, you can contact MPI Morheat for assistance.
  • 150 lb. ASA carbon steel fl anges from 3” to 14” sizes .430” diameter copper, steel, 321 stainless steel, or Incoloy 800 elements
  • 45, 22,15,13 and 6.5 watts/square inch for various processes
  • General purpose, moisture or explosion resistant terminal enclosures
  • Thermowell for 3/8” diameter thermostat bulb
  • Bends are repressed after forming to recompact MgO and extend element life
  • Instruction Manual with wiring instructions included with each unit
  • Copper Sheath: Clean water, freeze protection, hot water storage, boiler and water heaters, cooling towers, heating of solutions not corrosive to copper
  • Steel Sheath: Asphalt, wax, paraffin, tar, fluid heat transfer medium, petroleum, degreasing and sol-vent, oils, fuel oils, machine oils, alcohol
  • Stainless Steel Sheath: Process water, soap and detergent solutions, soluble cutting oils, demineralized or delonized water (passivation recommended)
  • lncoloy Sheath: Solution water, corrosive solutions, air, gas, steam super heating
Flange Dimensions