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Hazardous General Constant Wattage Heating Cables

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General Purpose, Constant-Wattage Heating Cable provides precise and constant temperature output regardless of ambient and surface temperatures. Temperature controller is required for constant wattage, heat trace cable!

  • Ideal for mid-range process temperature control up to 400⁰F (204⁰C).
  • Ideal heating cable for long run applications.
  • Durable construction:  FEP fluoropolymer extruded jacket with tinned copper or stainless steel over braid.
  • Easily installed around most piping and equipment.
  • Can be cut-to-length and terminated at the job site.
  • Multiple third-party approvals for ordinary and hazardous area environments.
  • Not suitable for installation in wet locations and outdoor use.
  • Maximum exposure temperature is 400°F (204°C)
  • Available in 3, 5, 8, and 12 watts/ft (10, 16, 26, and 39 watts/m)
  • Available in voltages 120, 208, 240, 277, and 480VAC
  • Circuit lengths up to 1,440ft (439m)
  •  12AWG bus wires
  • Dimensions 0.2″ x 0.3″ (5mm x 8mm)
  • Weight: 40 lb (18 kg) per 500 ft (152m) spool
Selecting Heater Length
  • Constant-Wattage cable uses a fixed resistance wire wrapped around two main conductors (bus wires).  At specific intervals the insulation is removed from the bus wires, forming the Contact Module Points.
  • These Contact Module Points are staggered along the length of the cable.  This creates consistent heating circuits known as the Module Length.  When power is applied to the bus wires each complete Module Length heats at the rated wattage output.
  • The incomplete Module Lengths, at the beginning and end of each cable, do not heat.  This allows the “Cold” ends to be safely placed inside of a controller or junction box.